Friday, September 7, 2012

RVC Loop - The Waiting

My wife doesn't want me to bike. My parents I'm sure don't want me to bike. My kids? They say to go for it. Today was the first time on the bike after the accident 6 days ago. My shoulder hurts, but being on the bike didn't seem to aggravate it. I tried a hill, bumpy road, sharp turns, even waving to the neighbor (that hurt a bit). Nothing seemed to aggravate it.

The song I had was apropos. Tom Petty's The Waiting (is the hardest part).

It has to be at least 10 years since I've heard this song, so I don't know where it came from. But the lyrics are fitting. The entire week, every day I "got one more yard". That much closer to the NYC Century and I'd feel a little better, but not knowing whether or not I could do the ride. I worked hard to get to the point of doing this and want to do it. "You take it on faith, you take it to the heart" that you'll be healthy and be able to do this stuff and then BAM you have an accident.

OK, that's a little melodramatic. I'm lucky. It could have been much worse.

Anyway, nice day out today for a quick ride around the neighborhood to test out the shoulder. We'll see how I feel tomorrow and then I'll make the decision for Sunday.

Distance: 5.64 mi
Time: 19:34
Avg Speed: 17.3 mph
Elevation Gain: 25 ft
Calories: 387 C

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